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Conversations in Psychoanalysis Today

Listen to the CPS Podcast

IPA 2021 Congress Vancouver

Thursday, July 22nd, 2021 / le jeudi 22 juillet 2021

15:30-17:30 BST

The Infantile: Which Meaning? (Live – Keynote/diffusion en direct)

Discussants/Intervenants: Elizabeth Rocha Barros, Brazil; Margaret Ann Hanly, Canada

18:00-19:30 BST

Opening of IPSO Congress / Ouverture congrès IPSO (Live/diffusion en direct)

Chair/Président: John Tavares, Canada

Friday, July 23rd, 2021 / le vendredi 23 juillet 2021

18:00-19:30 BST

On the Infantility of Free-associative Speaking and Listening (Live, English Panel/diffusion en direct, panel)

Chair/Président: Dominique Scarfone, Canada

18:00-19:30 BST

Analytic Vitality: Analyst Vulnerability (Live Panel/diffusion en direct)

Chair/Présidente: Carolyn Steinberg, Canada

Presenters/Présentateurs: Paul Steinberg, Canada; Darren Thompson, Canada; Elizabeth Wallace, Canada

18:00-19:30 BST

Angels and Demons in “Angela” by Rebecca Miller (Pre-Recorded/préenregistré)

Chair/Président: Joao Da Silva Guerreiro, Canada

Discussants/Intervenante: Inês Faro, Canada

18:00-19:30 BST

Infant Observation in the Time of COVID-19: In-home and Online (Live – Small Discussion Group/diffusion en direct – petit groupe de discussion)

Presenters/Présentatrices: Judith Setton-Markus, Canada; Donna Ellis, United States; Stephanie Kellington, Canada

20:00-21:30 BST

Canadian Analysts Speak: Psychoanalysis and Forming an Analytic Identity in Canada (Live/diffusion en direct, IPSO)

Chair/Présidente: Michelle van den Engh, Canada

Presenters/Présentateurs: Arthur Leonoff, Canada; Judith Hamilton, Canada; Dominique Scarfone, Canada

20:00-21:30 BST

Qualitative Multicenter Study: Trustworthiness of the ThreeLevel Model (3-LM) (Pre-recorded,Panel/préenregistré)

Chairs/Présidentes: Marina Altmann de Litvan, Uruguay; Margaret Ann Fitzpatrick-Hanly, Canada

Sunday, July 25th, 2021 / dimanche 25 juillet 2021

18:00-19:30 BST

Mechanisms of Change: A View from Clinical Observation (Live, Panel/diffusion en direct)

Discussant/Intervenante: Margaret Ann Hanly, Canada

Thursday, July 29th, 2021 / jeudi 29 juillet 2021

18:00-19:30 BST

IPSO Supervision #2 Analyst (Live/diffusion en direct)

Presenter/Présentatrice: Michelle van den Engh, Canada

18:00-19:30 BST

Pichon Rivière: Key Contributions and its Relevance to the Infantile (Pre-Recorded, Panel/préenregistré)

Chair/Présidente: Gabriela Legorreta, Canada

Presenters/Présentatrices: Mariana Gill Rodriguez, Canada; Marie France Brunet, Chile; Mina Levinsky-Wohl, United States; Jani Santamaria, Mexico; Orly Marcovich, United States; Carole Levaque, Canada

20:00-21:30 BST

Working Remotely and other Modalities during the Pandemic (Live, Panel/diffusion en direct)

Chair/Président: Martin Gauthier, Canada

20:00-20:45 BST

Regression to Early Trauma in the Analytic Situation (Pre-Recorded, Individual Paper Session/préenregistré, présentation individuelle)

Presenter/Présentateur: Endre Koritar, Canada 

Friday, July 30th, 2021 / vendredi 30 juillet 2021

16:00-16:45 BST

Ruthlessness in the Realm of Genderthe Return of the Infantile (Pre-Recorded, Individual PaperSession/préenregistré, présentation individuelle)

Presenter/Présentateur: Oren Gozlan, Canada

20:00-21:30 BST

Is the Psychoanalytic Infant Still Alive? (Live, Panel/diffusion en direct)

Presenters/Présentateurs: Lesley Caldwell, United Kingdom; Clara Nemas-Urman, Argentina; Dominique Scarfone, Canada

20:00-21:30 BST

Afterwardsness of the Infantile: Sexuality, Gender, and Adolescence in “XXY” (Pre-Recorded/préenregistré)

Discussants/Intervenants: Silvia Acosta, Argentina; Oren Gozlan, Canada; Benjamin Freidenberg, Israel

Saturday, July 31st, 2021 / samedi 31 juillet 2021

18:00-18:45 BST

Coming Out and In: Infantile Anxieties in Gay Identity Development (Pre-Recorded English, Individual PaperSession/préenregistré, présentation individuelle)

Presenter/Présentateur: Joachim Sehrbrock, Canada

20:00-21:30 BST

Re-membering the Infantile (Pre-Recorded/préenregistré)

Discussants/Intervenants: Meg Harris Williams, United Kingdom; Vivienne Pasieka, Canada; Vera Fonseca Montagna, Brazil

Sunday, August 1st, 2021 / dimanche 1eraoût 2021

16:00-17:30 BST

Poetic Understanding: Melody, Rhythm and Rhyme in the Psychoanalytic Moment (Live, Panel/diffusion endirect)

Presenters/Présentatrices: Cecilia Taiana, Canada; Lyn Yonack, United States

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