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Conversations in Psychoanalysis Today

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The Société psychanalytique de Montréal (SPM) was founded in 1969. It was the first French-speaking Branch of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society, which is a component Society of the International Psychoanalytic Association founded by Sigmund Freud in 1910.

The Society brings together psychoanalysts who have as an objective to study the field of psychoanalysis and to promote it as a clinical enterprise and basis for research and study. In unison with the Institut psychanalytique de Montréal, the Society contributes to the psychoanalytic training of future psychoanalysts.

In its historical development, the SPM has been influenced by French, British, and American psychoanalysts and institutions. This plurality of influences has shaped the development of the SPM, which contributes today in providing a forum to explore, discuss, and compare major clinical and theoretical models. While the SPM has welcomed international psychoanalytic influences, it has developed a distinct culture and identity.

One characteristic of the scientific life of the SPM is its continuous seminars, which are study groups organized by the members of the SPM over many years to study themes or authors in depth. There are more than 25 continuous seminars. These study groups provide unique opportunities for rich clinical and theoretical exchanges amongst the members and candidates. Many of the creative contributions to the Society and to the community at large emerge from these study groups in the form of publications, symposiums, or conferences.

Interested in spreading psychoanalytic thinking and reaching a large audience, the SPM also regularly organizes public events such as “La Table Ronde Julien-Bigras” and the public Conferences of the SPM.

The Psychoanalytic Institute also offers a referral service for individuals who wish to begin a personal psychoanalysis. This project makes psychoanalysis accessible by offering a sliding scale of payment.

The SPM also started a funded clinic in 2007 that offers psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. This clinic has been inspired by similar experiments in Europe and United States.

The SPM has more than 100 members, and approximately 20 candidates are in training at the Institute.

The SPM hosted the “Congrès des psychanalystes de langue française” in 1982 and in 2000. It will host this Congress again in 2014. The SPM has played an important role in this Congress for many years. There will be translation services that will make it possible for non-French psychoanalysts, mental health professionals, and members of the public to participate.

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